Staff Flu Shot Opportunity

Staff Flu Shot Opportunity

Kroger's will be coming to do our annual flu shot clinic on Monday, October 17th. They will start at the elementary at approximately 9:30 and then work their way to the other schools. Sign up sheets are in each clinic, so please sign up if you're interested. If you want family members to be included, please sign them up at the school they attend (if this is different from where you are, send an email to either Nurse Jill or Nurse Bethany and we will write them down for you.) You will need to have copies of your Caremark card and a signed consent form on the day of the clinic (you will also need to sign consent forms for your kids). They are supposed to email me a copy of the consent form. Let Nurse Jill know if you are interested in additional vaccines, such as COVID, pneumonia, shingles, pertussis, etc.

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