Special Education

Providing Students the Help Needed to Learn

At Bedford County Schools, we believe that every student has the ability to succeed. We provide an array of services and resources to students and families by setting extremely thorough standards and providing effective instruction, intervention and necessary supports for student success. Our team strives to provide services to meet the academic, social, behavioral, adaptive, and physical needs of the student.


Disabilities Eligible for Service in Tennessee

There are specific criteria for special education eligibility under the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act). For more information, please visit the Tennessee Department of Education's Special Education page: https://www.tn.gov/education/families/student-support/special-education.html




Useful Websites for Parents:

TN Disability Pathfinder 


Vanderbilt TRIAD for Families


Useful Websites for Special Education Staff Members:


TN Department of Education, SPED

Special Ed Connection

Transition Tennessee

Vanderbilt TRIAD