Federal Programs

The Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that every state and school district develop and implement academic standards and assessments, as well as a system for accountability. Under the law, federal resources are allocated to provide various academic programs and services for eligible students and keep parents informed of their rights.

The Department of Federal Programs provides information about and access to federal resources aimed to enhance academic achievement. Additionally, the law mandates that this department work to ensure accountability for the development, implementation, and operation of federally funded programs and services.

All of Bedford County's schools qualify for Title I services. These schools meet the federal qualification for Title I due to the percentage of students who receive government assistance.

The Five Components of a Title I School:

  1. Opportunities for ALL Students - This includes opportunities for all children, including each of the subgroups (ED, major racial & ethnic groups, SWDs, and ELs) to meet challenging state academic standards.
  2. Strengthening Academics - The school’s methods and instructional practices that strengthen the academic program.
  3. Quality Learning - Strategies to increase the amount and quality of learning time both for core instruction and intervention.
  4. Well-Rounded Education - How the school provides an enriched and accelerated curriculum to ensure that students have access to a well-rounded education.
  5. At-Risk Students - How the school addresses the needs of all children, particularly those at risk of not meeting the challenging state academic standards.

Please click the links to the left to find out more about the different facets of the Federal Programs Department.

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