Title I Schools

Title I-A of the Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is the largest federally funded educational program. This program, authorized by Congress, provides supplemental funds to school districts to assist schools with the highest student concentration of poverty to meet educational goals.

 Title I Programs 

All of Bedford County's schools qualify for Title I services. 

  • Based on the school's economic level
  • Accountable for adequate progress in the schools it serves
  • Researched based instruction in language, reading, and math to ensure effective instructional strategies
  • Afford parents opportunities to participate in the education of their children at home and school
  • Provide opportunities for professional development within schools and in the Bedford County School System


Schoolwide Program (SWP):  

To be eligible to operate a schoolwide program, the school must be selected by LEA with an approved schoolwide plan and meet the required poverty threshold of 40 percent. Schoolwide programs are not required to specifically identify eligible Title I students for targeted Title I services over and above the regular program. All students are eligible to participate in all aspects of the schoolwide program, as appropriate.